Master Class: The Nature of Cruelty: A Class on Joy Williams with Kyle Dillon Hertz

Master Class: The Nature of Cruelty: A Class on Joy Williams with Kyle Dillon Hertz


1 Session: Sunday, November 3
1:00-4:00pm ET
Kyle Dillon Hertz

Kyle Dillon Hertz is the author of The Lookback Window, a New York Times Editors’ Choice. Vanity Fair named The Lookback Window one of the best novels of 2023. His work can be found in Esquire, Freeman’s, Time, and elsewhere. He received his MFA from NYU and a residency from Yaddo. He teaches at The New School.

In this master class, we will examine the extraordinary work of Joy Williams to search for what makes her fiction so power. Many words come to mind when we think of Williams: Funny, Cold, Cruel, Mysterious, Moving, Shocking, Gorgeous—but what makes it so?

We will look at some of her stories and Harrow to figure out why her sentences and narratives make us see the world anew. Especially good for Joy Williams fans, but great for curious students too

Workshop Highlights:

  • Students will come to search for and attempt to define Mystery as it pertains to Joy Williams, and how they can search for this within their own work

  • Students will engage with dark humor and patterns of cruelty and grace to seek out new methods of narrative

  • Students will understand the ways that incongruous details and narrative interruptions can help move a story toward its climax, however strange and necessary it may be

2 full and 2 partial scholarships available. For information, please contact Kate Mabus,

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Kyle Dillon Hertz is the author of the debut novel The Lookback Window (Simon & Schuster, 2023), a New York Times Editors’ Choice. Vanity Fair named The Lookback Window one of the best novels of 2023. His work can be found in Esquire, Freeman’s, Time, and elsewhere. 

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