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Willie Perdomo

“It...seems to me, and I think maybe this is more personal than anything else, that we tend to use poetry to preserve our sense of dream, our dream space, even. There are some spaces that should be sacred. Even if we negotiate some sort of oppression, we still have to preserve some of that space so that we can get in touch with our silences, and be able to process those silences.”

New York State Poet

pen open book award

international latino book award 

national book critics circle finalist 

Cy Twombly Award for Poetry

New York City Book Award




This immersive poetry collection proceeds like a mixtape or a gnostic gospel . . . Oracular, intoxicating . . . Perdomo’s vibrant diction refashions the high lyric, drawing on local cant to render the intimacy of home, friendship, and shared loss. Part rhapsody, part elegy, the book memorializes neighborhood legends, and, even as it impishly indulges nostalgic romance, it never forgets, or forgives, the violence that threatens these young lives.
The New Yorker on The Crazy Bunch
Set during one weekend in the early 1990s, Perdomo’s fourth book celebrates a crew of hip-hop-loving friends in East Harlem with his customary heart and bravura language.
The New York Times Book Review
How did we do without this book for so long? Willie Perdomo excavates the history and colors of son and salsa down to the bones of slavery and into the vivid streets of Nuyorican America. This descarga of a book, this Bembé of poetry will set up in the middle of your palms, mold your head into a conga polyrhythm and never miss a beat. Best pay attention, ya’ll.
— Pulitzer Prize winner Tyehimba Jess
Reading The Essential Hits of Shorty Bon Bon is like walking into a Bembé, just at the moment when the gods have descended, the moment between the silence of awe and the still shrill cry of the singers. And Perdomo’s skill and lyrical voice is like a wet finger drawn slowly, agonizingly over the taut skin of a drum face, until the very last moment when it explodes into beat. A beautiful, accomplished book.
— Chris Abani

Willie Perdomo is the author of Smoking Lovely: The RemixThe Crazy BunchThe Essential Hits of Shorty Bon Bon, and Where a Nickel Costs a Dime. Winner of the Cy Twombly Award for Poetry, the PEN Open Book Award, the New York City Book Award in Poetry, and the Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellowship, Perdomo was also a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Poetry Society of America Norma Farber First Book Award. He co-edited the anthology, LatiNext, and was recently awarded a Letras Boricuas 2024 Fellowship. He teaches at Phillips Exeter Academy and was appointed State Poet of New York (2021-2023).



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