Kyle Dillon Hertz is the author of the debut novel The Lookback Window (Simon & Schuster, 2023), a New York Times Editors’ Choice. Vanity Fair named The Lookback Window one of the best novels of 2023. His work can be found in Esquire, Freeman’s, Time, and elsewhere.
In an interview with Greg Mania in BOMB magazine, Greg asked what made fiction the right vessel for Kyle’s story. “Dylan’s story mirrors my story in the arc, but not in the details,” he replied. “Fiction allowed me to take subjects that I deeply care about—male sexual abuse, C-PTSD, sex, New York, San Diego, beauty, justice, and shit-talking—and craft a narrative and a character that takes the reader through these things. A memoir would have been a sad book, but The Lookback Window is an angry, sexy, shocking, violent work of art.”
He received his MFA from NYU and a residency from Yaddo. He teaches at The New School.