Danniel Schoonebeek’s most recent collection of poetry is Trébuchet (University of Georgia Press, 2016), a 2015 National Poetry Series selection. He is also the author of American Barricade (YesYes Books, 2014), which was named one of the year’s ten standout debuts by Poets & Writers and called “a groundbreaking first book that stands to influence its author’s generation” by Boston Review. A recipient of a 2015 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship from Poetry Foundation, recent work appears in Poetry, The New Yorker, American Poetry Review, and elsewhere.
His poems have been featured in the anthologies Please Excuse This Poem: 100 New Poets for the Next Generation (Viking, 2015), Best American Experimental Writing (Omnidawn, 2014), and Privacy Policy: The Anthology of Surveillance Poetics (Black Ocean, 2014). A recipient of awards and honors from Poets House, the Millay Colony for the Arts, Oregon State University, and Akademie Schloss Solitude, he has been the editor of the PEN Poetry Series since 2013 and formerly hosted the Hatchet Job reading series in Brooklyn from 2012-2016. He is also a co-organizer and founding member of the non-profit arts collective Bushel, located in the low-population, upstate New York village of Delhi.
Both of his books confront a late capitalist America hurtling towards ruin. When asked about what he hopes his poems will incite in readers, Schoonebeek responded, “My work, at least for me, comes out of (and breaks away from) a punk tradition, which often places provocation and agitation at its forefront without being prescriptive about what it’s meant to provoke or who it’s meant to agitate. That always endeared me to punk: the music was both a slap in the face of public taste and and a wake-up slap for the people who loved the songs and went to the shows. I’ve left so many of those same shows with a livewire sputtering around inside my head and gone home and asked myself what happens next with all that energy. And it’s not like it’s unspent, leftover energy. It’s energy that didn’t previously exist in its place."
Schoonebeek grew up in a small village in upstate New York and now lives in a studio in the Hudson Valley.