Workshop: Flash & Furious: Creative Nonfiction Bursts with Annie Liontas

Workshop: Flash & Furious: Creative Nonfiction Bursts with Annie Liontas


4 Sessions: Tuesdays and Thursdays, November 12, 14, 19, 21
5:30-7:30pm ET
Annie Liontas

Annie Liontas is the genderqueer author of the crip-queer memoir Sex with a Brain Injury: On Concussion and Recovery, which was featured on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross and selected as SELF Magazine’s Book of the Month. Their debut novel, Let Me Explain You, was selected as New York Times Editors Choice in 2015, and their work has appeared in The New York Times Book Review, Electric Literature, BOMB, Lithub, The Believer, McSweeney’s, Oprah Daily, and elsewhere. Annie has presented "Flash & Furious: Creative Nonfiction Bursts" at the Disquiet International Literary Program in Lisbon and at the Lighthouse Writers Workshop in Denver.

There may be no more potent form than short Creative Nonfiction, which “the writer’s experience of the world makes small and large at the same time.” Our excursions into short Creative Nonfiction ask us how real, how raw, how precise and unforgettable we can get in 2,000 words or less. What story or stories are you ready to excavate? What worlds exist within you, what discoveries might you make among your compatriots? How can you invite others to join you? In this generative workshop, we invoke the authorial stance of the lived experience to build intimacy with the reader, engaging in a friendship that—in the words of Philip Lopate—“is based on identification, understanding, testiness, and companionship” & “confides everything from gossip to wisdom.” And we do it all in a little over a page.

Participants of all levels working across all genres are welcome to join the party! This workshop is designed for participants who want to play, as well as for those hoping to walk away with a draft towards publication. Our last session, if enrollment permits, will be devoted to one-on-one mini conferences.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Our generative workshop offers scaffolded writing prompts, mentor texts, collaborative exercises, and opportunities for sharing

  • Our last session, if enrollment permits, will be devoted to one-on-one mini conferences.

There are full scholarships available for a BiPoC writer and for a writer living with disability. For more information, please contact Kate Mabus,

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Annie Liontas is the genderqueer author of the crip-queer memoir Sex with a Brain Injury: On Concussion and Recovery (Scribner, 2024), which was featured on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross and selected as SELF Magazine’s Book of the Month. Their debut novel, Let Me Explain You (Scribner, 2015), was selected as New York Times Editors Choice in 2015. They co-edited the anthology A Manner of Being: Writers on their Mentors, and their work has appeared or will appear in The New York Times Book Review, Electric Literature, BOMB, Lithub, The Believer, American Short Fiction, McSweeney’s, Oprah Daily, and elsewhere. 

A graduate of Syracuse University’s MFA program, Annie is an Associate Professor of writing at George Washington University and serves as faculty at the Disquiet International Literary Program in Lisbon.  Annie has volunteered as a mentor for Pen City’s incarcerated writers and helped secure a Mellon Foundation grant on Disability Justice to bring storytelling to communities in the criminal justice system. They co-host the literary podcast LitFriends and live in Philadelphia with their wife, dog, and Email the rabbit.  

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