Craft Seminar: Plotting Fiction with Ayşegül Savaş

Craft Seminar: Plotting Fiction with Ayşegül Savaş

Craft Seminar: All Hope is Lost: The 10 Dramatic Scenes Every Writer Must Know with Sunil Yapa

Craft Seminar: All Hope is Lost: The 10 Dramatic Scenes Every Writer Must Know with Sunil Yapa

Craft Seminar: The Tell Tale Heart: Character Driven Storytelling Secrets  with Sunil Yapa

Craft Seminar: The Tell Tale Heart: Character Driven Storytelling Secrets with Sunil Yapa

Craft Seminar: The Fulcrum Method: How to Plot a Short Story with Jess Row

Craft Seminar: The Fulcrum Method: How to Plot a Short Story with Jess Row

Craft Seminar: Confronting Taboo with Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi

Craft Seminar: Confronting Taboo with Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi

Craft Seminar: What I Learned about Writing a Memoir (and from Whom) with Nicole Treska

Craft Seminar: What I Learned about Writing a Memoir (and from Whom) with Nicole Treska

Craft Seminar: Cut It Out!  (Or Leave It In?): On Grammar and Editing with Nicole Treska

Craft Seminar: Cut It Out! (Or Leave It In?): On Grammar and Editing with Nicole Treska

Craft Seminar: Objectivity, Truth and the Spaces In Between with Kavita Das

Craft Seminar: Objectivity, Truth and the Spaces In Between with Kavita Das

Craft Seminar: Ethically Unsound: On Trying and Likely Failing to De-sensationalize “True Crime” with Matthew Gavin Frank

Craft Seminar: Ethically Unsound: On Trying and Likely Failing to De-sensationalize “True Crime” with Matthew Gavin Frank

Craft Seminar: Writing the Restless Dead: On Historical Fiction & the Archive with Maaza Mengiste

Craft Seminar: Writing the Restless Dead: On Historical Fiction & the Archive with Maaza Mengiste

Craft Seminar: On Imagistic Endurance with Jenny Johnson

Craft Seminar: On Imagistic Endurance with Jenny Johnson
